Channel: McAlester News Capital: Public Notices
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(Published in the McAlester News-Capital on September 6th&13th, 2016.) IN THE PITTSBURG COUNTY DISTRICT COURT STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATES OF: 1) JOHN LEE SHORES, DECEASED 2) FLORA GRACE SHORES, DECEASED 3) JACK VINCENT SHORES, DECEASED PB-2016-102 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors having claims against the Estates of John Lee Shores, Flora Grace Shores, and Jack Vincent Shores, all deceased are required to present the same, with a description of all security interests and other collateral, if any, held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the named Personal Representative, Mark Hunt, attorney, at: Mark Hunt Hunt Law PLLC PO Box 140597 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 on or before the following presentment date: November 14, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. Dated: August 31, 2016. Respectfully submitted, /S/ Mark Hunt, OBA# 32019 Hunt Law PLLC PO Box 140597 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Ph 918-404-9325 Fax 888-727-1720 mhunt@hunt lawpllc.com

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