Channel: McAlester News Capital: Public Notices
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(Published in the McAlester News-Capital March 6, 2016.) NOTICE OF HEARING ON CONFIRMATION OF SHERIFF'S SALE Case No. CJ-2015-169 TO: PERSONS OR OTHER ENTITIES AND THIER UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY WHICH SPECIFICALLY INCLUDES, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE FOLLOWING: PATRICK GREGORY WEBB: UNKNOWN SPOUSE, IF ANY OF PATRICK GREGORY WEBB; TONI WEBB; STEIDLEY AND NEAL PLLC; UNKNOWN TENANT, IF ANY, OF 312 EAGLE BEND, MCALESTER, OKLAHOMA 74501 THE ABOVE SPECIFIED AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR ENTITIES WHOSE ACTUAL ADDRESS IS UNKNOWN AND THEIR UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED OF THE HEARING ON CONFIRMATION OF SHERIFF'S SALE. The above-specified persons or entities are notified that the Plaintiff in the above-numbered cause filed in the District Court of Pittsburg County, State of Oklahoma, its Motion to Confirm Sheriff's Sale therein seeking confirmation by the Court of the Sheriff's Sale held in this cuase and that said Motion has been set for hearing on the 30th day of March, 2016, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., in the District Court Room of the Honorable Judge Bland, at the County Courthouse, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma. Said Sheriff's Sale to be confirmed pertains to the following described property, to wit: LOT 2 IN BLOCK 7 IN CARDINAL HEIGHTS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MCALESTER, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN FOLIO 169, PITTSBURG COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. The above-specified persons or entities are further notified to be present for said hearing at said date, time and place, and show cause, if any, they may have why said Motion should not be sustained and said Sheriff's Sale confirmed. DATED this 3rd day of March, 2016. /s/ W. Brent Kelley, OBA 11380 O. Saul Reid, OBA 20314 KELLEY&TAYLOR, P.C. 6 N.E. 63rd Street, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Phone: (405) 848-6803 Fax: (405) 848-6876

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