Channel: McAlester News Capital: Public Notices
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Re-Elect LARRY BOGGS boggsforsenate.com STATE SENTATE ENDORSED BY: NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP-PROVEN RESULTS Vietnam War Veteran, who served in the Airborne Reconnaissance, State Senator Larry Boggs is an effective leader for veteran’s issues at the State Capitol. His leadership on the Veterans and Military Affairs Committee has proven results: Veterans have a new allowable benefit of a TBI Hyperbaric Chamber for Medical Care √ Works directly with U.S. Senators Jim Inhofe & James Lankford to advocate for the McAlester ammunition plant, veteran’s jobs, and the veteran’s hospitals Continues to fight for improvements for veterans in rural communities to have better access to medical care ENDORSED BY US SENATORS INHOFE & LANKFORD and LT. GOV. TODD LAMB VOTE NOVEMBER 8th VISIT www.BoggsforSenate.com facebook.com/boggsforsenate CALL ME: 918-471-3288 Authorized and Paid for by Friends of Larry Boggs

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